So what is Keyholding Security?
Recent global events have driven people to invest more in protecting themselves and their businesses, which is why key holding security has become the industry’s top trend. Many experts claim that the customer base for this particular service will only continue to grow so an in-depth understanding is required from providers and consumers alike.
In this article, we’ll go through the basics of key holding security – what it is, what consumers can expect from it, and more.
What Is Key Holding?
A key holding service aims to protect business owners and their employees by keeping a spare key to their physical establishment. Not only does this enable them to help when the primary key is lost or stolen, but it also allows them to provide around-the-clock assistance and security.
Simply put, security key holding services ensure that a business premise is safe and secure at all times, even if the employees have already clocked out.
What Are The Benefits Of Key Holding Security?
Without a doubt, around-the-clock security and protection are incredibly advantageous, no matter what industry the business is in. Here are a few other benefits of key holding security:
It Reduces A Business Owner’s Responsibilities
As the primary key holder, business owners are familiar with the frustration of receiving phone calls in the middle of the night or in the middle of an important event informing them that their security alarm has gone off. Even more annoying is when it turns out to have been falsely triggered.
On the flip side, if an intruder is indeed present, then the business owner’s life is immediately at risk. This is the exact reason why a professional key holding service is important – besides reducing the business owner’s responsibility, it also minimizes their exposure to harmful and dangerous situations.
It Ensures That Proper Security Procedures Are Enforced
A key holding service hires trained professionals to ensure that a business is safe and secure at all times. This means that someone is immediately present at the establishment when an emergency occurs.
Moreover, these professionals are well-versed in the proper security procedures, allowing them to deal with intruders without compromising the business’ stock or the establishment itself. They’re also equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to fix technical problems in the alarm system in case it was falsely triggered or requires a hard reset.

It Guarantees Around-The-Clock Availability For many business owners, entrusting an employee or a family member with the establishment’s spare key is good enough. Unfortunately for them, this doesn’t guarantee that the holder will be available whenever they’re needed. Nor does it mean that they’ll be able to properly handle emergency situations.
On the other hand, a key holding service ensures that a trained professional will always be there, no matter what. By holding on to the spare key, business owners are assured that they can enter the establishment regardless of the time of day.
key holding
What Key Holding Security Jobs Are There?
A key holding service makes use of several different professionals to provide their clients with around-the-clock assistance or security. To become a security key holder, you will need an SIA key holding licence. Below, we have listed some key holding security jobs.
Security Concierge
These people are often tasked with monitoring CCTV cameras, liaising with on-site security teams, and responding to events that require investigating. They may also be responsible for notifying the local authorities when the situation calls for it.
Mobile Patrol Officers
These individuals are trained to respond to on-site emergencies, whether it be investigating a triggered alarm, handling an intruder, or resolving technical problems with the alarm system. Most companies require that people in this role know how to drive a motorbike so that they can provide assistance faster.
Security Manager
As its name suggests, this role involves managing a team of concierges, patrol officers, and the like to ensure that clients are absolutely satisfied with the service they’re receiving. These individuals also ensure that every member complies with regulations and the proper protocols.
What Is The Usual Salary Of A Key Holding Professional?
Much like any other industry, salaries in a key holding service vary according to the candidate’s background and skills, as well as the nature of their role. However, in the United Kingdom, security officers can expect a minimum of £25,000 per year. Naturally, those with additional training, certificates, or licenses can earn more.
On the other hand, those in roles related to software, sales, and human resources can expect anywhere between £25,000 and £68,000. Again, though, this amount will depend on their qualifications and responsibilities.
What Are The Usual Key Holding Service Prices?
The majority of key holding security companies consider several factors when quoting clients for their services. For instance, a larger establishment with multiple levels will definitely cost more than a one-story retail shop.
The nature of the merchandise may also affect the price since stores that carry high-value items like jewellery and luxury handbags tend to have extremely sophisticated alarm systems. Naturally, these require security professionals with additional training and certificates.
Location is another factor that companies take into account when deciding on the price of their key holding services. Businesses that are situated in places that experience a higher volume of crime will receive a higher quote than those found in quieter, residential-type areas.
While the price will be hinged on factors like these, business owners in the United Kingdom are known to pay as little as £15 per month for key holding services. Again, though, expect this rate to vary based on your circumstances and needs.
What Are The Usual Key Holding Procedures?
Here’s a glimpse of the services that key holding security companies will typically provide to their clients.
Whenever the establishment’s security alarms are triggered, the company immediately sends a trained professional to the site to assess the situation. This includes resolving any technical problems with the system or canceling the alarm itself to save the business owner the astronomical costs of unnecessary call-outs to the local authorities.
In case an intruder is detected, then the trained professional will deal with the culprit until the authorities arrive and the property can once again be secured. A report of the incident, along with the actions that were taken, will immediately be sent to the business owner for legal and insurance purposes.
The responsibility of locking and unlocking the establishment can also be delegated to the key holding service if a business owner wants to avoid putting their employees or colleagues at risk. Besides opening and closing, this also includes securing the premises and making sure that the security systems are functioning.
Another service that key holding companies provide is vacant property checks. This is particularly helpful to residential and commercial landlords who want to ensure that their spaces are free from vandals, squatters, and fly-tippers. It also helps them be aware of any maintenance issues so that the value of their property doesn’t drop while it remains unused.
SIA key holding
Do I Need A Key Holding Service?
Yes, all businesses will benefit from a key holding service, no matter what industry they’re in.
If you want to ensure your properties and inventories are neither stolen nor damaged, then working with a key holding security company will be your best bet. Not only will they reduce the responsibilities that you, as a business owner, have, but they’ll also ensure that you’re never in harm’s way when responding to emergencies.